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Awx Api Token

OAuth 2 Token Authentication in AWX


AWX (Ansible Automation Platform) provides various methods for obtaining OAuth 2 access tokens, enabling token-based authentication for accessing and interacting with its API. OAuth 2 is a widely adopted protocol for secure authorization and authentication and offers a number of benefits, including:
  • Improved security by eliminating the need for hard-coding credentials in scripts or applications.
  • Granular control over access permissions, allowing administrators to grant specific scopes to different tokens.
  • Enhanced flexibility, enabling authentication from various clients, including command-line tools, web applications, and third-party services.

Methods for Obtaining OAuth 2 Access Tokens in AWX

AWX supports several methods for obtaining OAuth 2 access tokens:

Auth Token API Endpoint

This method involves making a POST request to the /api/v2/authtoken/ endpoint with the following parameters:
  • username: The username of the user requesting the token.
  • password: The password of the user requesting the token.
The response will contain an access token and a refresh token.

OAuth2 Authorization Code Grant

This method is typically used in web applications and involves the following steps: 1. The client initiates the OAuth 2 flow by redirecting the user to the AWX authorization endpoint. 2. The user authorizes the application's access to their AWX account. 3. AWX redirects the user back to the client application with an authorization code. 4. The client exchanges the authorization code for an access token and a refresh token using the OAuth2 Token API Endpoint.

Client Credentials Grant

This method is used for machine-to-machine authentication, where a client application requests an access token without involving a user. 1. The client application makes a POST request to the OAuth2 Token API Endpoint with the following parameters: - grant_type: "client_credentials" - client_id: The client ID of the application. - client_secret: The client secret of the application. 2. The response will contain an access token and a refresh token.


OAuth 2 token authentication offers a secure and flexible way to access and interact with the AWX API. By utilizing the various methods described above, you can effectively authenticate users and clients, control access permissions, and enhance the security of your automation workflows and integrations.
